Stay calm, observe, be curious, stay in the present and when the moment emerges move/act instantly
This picture is a snapshot of Kitamoto Kendo Seminar version 2017 for current and/or future kendo leaders. It shows confidence, harmony, and agility leaders represent in the exponential age. I’m a female ex-top athlete have been representing Belgium and Spanish Kendo national teams for 13+ years. And my leadership journey through this magnificent path/DO of the sword/Ken continues, and it connects me with the quote of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien:
The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.
It’s interesting to experience for the last 10 months how the Coronavirus COVID-19 impacts 7 billion human beings in different ways and how each country navigates through those uncertain waters. Leadership is about creating an impact on a larger scale, not the time you’re now representing a political party or team in a corporate environment. Did you also notice how businesses changed completely their business plan upside down?
It’s a short-term strategy when you assume this will save you instead of taking a pause, look to what’s here and now, and build on what you already have, your essence and mission.. Can you feel the different energy flow in those 2 different approaches?
I strongly recommend you to educate your leaders to have a crystal clear purpose within your organisation but also on a larger nominator: mother earth. It helps you and your diverse teams have a bigger picture of where you all want to go on a longer-term. When you navigate through a fog for a certain period and that’s ok. It’s ok to not know, and I urge you to be transparent and vulnerable sharing those uncertainties to your teams. You give them permission to feel what’s need to be felt without feeling judged. Once you have a clear picture of your purpose, you navigate at ease with the VUCA world.
Stay calm, observe, be curious, stay in the present and when the moment emerges move/act instantly.
Learn from your instructor Arsenia how to take ownership of your leadership, reveal your purpose on mother earth, a 12-week, online journey to speed up your organisational transformation and lead from your inner power through the new now. Book your programme now and get €95 discount before 29/11/20🥁 Limit seats don’t wait to book your programme!
Next intake for the next Tombo leadership Programme starts the 15th of January 2021 and for a period of 12 weeks.
Tombo Inner Energy Leadership school is in the field of transformation
- of individuals, of organisations and humankind. We value experiential learning, and we apply the Asian wisdom of the martial arts:
FEEL * THINK * DO. Arsenia pursues to use her expertise and approaches to make a solid impact on the world in which we live and work.