Get over yourself and start having courageous conversations!
Transformation is a long process. It’s not The Dune saga that is set thousands of years in humanity’s future but it takes time. I see this as when an architect builds, renovates, and explodes spaces for the sake to serve the purpose of an organisation.
I’m sharing this as we’re experiencing a lot of disruptions and I and other professionals in this industry face a certain pattern over and over again.
It’s time you get over yourself, dare to own the transformation you want,
and stop faking it because it sounds sexy. I focus on taking risks and go on adventures with same-minded people. And let’s face it: we see when you’re not ready…
How we help our clients to thrive?
We listen and speak with different voices from the different systems,
make sure to find the internal change agents, and then meet with the board. We start a crucial and brutal conversation with them before the transformational journey. Brutal because it’s important the organisation is aware of what might happen during this journey. We want to be prepared when resistance lands in the arena and make sure we all can stay with it instead of finding a scapegoat and make fail the project for x, y, and/or z reason(s).
I remind my clients:
- we don’t do quick fixes
- it takes time
- we need a clear goal/what’s our strategical message
- it’s expensive
- the adventure through the jungle might strike you down
- you might be beaten by any exotic animal
I notice once we can have this kind of courageous interaction with our clients and ourselves, it helps them to understand the need to go on this adventure with us. And then it’s a yes where we start to turn on the navigation system and design a road map. I and the Tombo team design a custom solution appropriate for your leaders and your organisational vision. We implement delivery systems and evaluate individual & systemic impact.
Not ready? That’s ok too. It’s ok to say no from the beginning instead of saying yes and thinking no. Maybe it’s also an opportunity to work on another level to close the gap. At the end of the day, it helps me and you to not waste time, money, and unneeded frustrations…
Sounds familiar? I’m curious — what the best you could to unfold the present when resistance happened? What happens when you get through it? What happens in the process when you get stuck in the middle of it?
Remember: clear conversations and designing alliances are constant moments between both parties along the road. Never be afraid to offend.
It’s behind clearing assumptions we find successful teams, projects,
and organisations.
Stay with it, embrace the mud and grow strong as the lotus.
Slow is fast!
Arsenia inspires, cultivates, and empowers top athletes in healthcare, business, and sports to build grounded and connected workplaces to flow with the future. … and I’m glad you’re here! Join me on an online journey to help you navigate through the current hybrid transition, build what’s needed now for tomorrow. Limit seats don’t wait to book your programme here: Follow the flow, follow Tombo!