Don’t get trapped in your inner world!
The illusion of transparency is a cognitive bias in which people overestimate/assume how well their mental state is perceived and understood by others. How many times did I assume all was clear and afterwards I realise how big the bias was present unconsciously through every action it took in the past
Tombo Inner Energy Leadership school is in the field of transformation — of individuals, of organisations and humankind.
Learn from your instructor Arsenia how to be conscious of your own conscious and unconscious biases and limiting beliefs and lead strongly from writing to build a grounded foundation within your team, your community and organisation.
Next intake for the next Tombo leadership Programme starts the 15th of January 2021 and for a period of 12 weeks. Limit seats don’t wait to book your programme! Click here to book your programme and get €95 discount before 29/11/20